Assemblage 2 Free

4.8 ( 3028 ratings )
ゲーム エンターテインメント ファミリー パズル
開発者 Ernesto Hernandez

Assemblage is back, now with more shapes and stars. Can you get them all?

Gameplay Video:

On each level there are three stars that you can try to get by building your tower up to them. If youve placed all the pieces, the countdown timer starts, and your tower must hold for the duration of the timer. If the tower happens to remain standing, you get all of the stars that its touching.



- 20 Levels Exclusive to free version
- Retina Display support
- New shapes
- The shapes now have faces, gives them a little character


AppAdvice: "This is a fun and addictive game of physics-based block stacking. With 100 different levels and so many personality-filled shapes, this game is worth twice what it costs

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